Log Screws
We’ve found that the most common way to fasten down the logs is using log screws. They are countersunk and fastened along each side of each window or door opening in the wall The spacing is commonly every 4’ and within a short distance from each corner. This is done for every course of logs in your log wall. With this hold-down choice, you are able to attach the starter course of log directly into the solid blocking on the top of the concrete foundation. We’ve found that its a more popular method for DIY’ers.
As an upgrade, we offer the choice of through-bolts. Besides giving your log walls lateral strength it is also a great way to keep the logs from twisting. The system of through bolts we offer are coupled with a tension spring to compress the logs while they settle, essentially squeezing the logs in the wall together from the start of the build. With the through-bolt system you will get a foundation plan for locating where bolts are to be placed into the concrete stem walls. We pre-drill the logs to prep for this spring loaded bolt system. It runs through the center of your log walls, and connects directly to your foundation.

Here at True Log, we recommend purchasing one of two options for connecting your log walls but you may choose to source your own at a local building store. We’re an advocate for shopping local whenever possible.
Visit this link for information by the Log and Timber Homes Council on fasteners for log homes if you wish to research more before deciding on log screws or through-bolts.